Nashville Feature: Women-Owned Businesses that Rock


These days I've found myself spending more and more time in Nashville, with absolutely zero complaints. The number one thing you hear old Nashvillians say is "Can you believe how much it's changed?" And it's true. It's alive and thriving and therefore changing. But all for the better, and it feels amazing to be a part of a community with so much buzz.

When I spoke with The Nashville Guide about doing a takeover for their Instagram story, I immediately knew I wanted to feature women-owned and run businesses. There were so many to choose from, but here are a few that stood out to me. I've thoroughly loved meeting these ladies, frequenting their businesses, and in my small way, supporting their dreams. I know from experience just how tough it can be to run a business and make your dreams a reality. Without further ado, here are a few Nashville spots I urge you to check out for yourself: 


Inner Light Yoga - Emmy is the dynamite lady behind Inner Light Yoga. She runs it with her husband, Lee, and boy am I glad they pursued their passion and hustled through to bring ILY to Nashville. It's part dance party, part yoga, all fun and sweat. As a former dancer, I love the sequence format, where we learn a set of poses and then add on a few times until we are performing a complex sequence in our own time to the beat. It requires mental skills, since you won't have someone necessarily guiding you every minute of the class, (though rest assured they are hands on and there to help) and it also allows you to just do what feels good, a mantra I swear is at the heart of a yoga practice. 

ILY offers a killer newbie package. I got in for $40 for 2 weeks, unlimited visits. I swear you'll be hooked from day one. If you're an advanced yogi, I recommend Vivid Flow. If you're newer to the practice, Ignite Flow may be more your speed. Either way, I hope to see you on the mat. 

Address: 2227 10th Street South, Nashville, TN

Lemon Laine - A natural beauty lovers dream come true. Laura Lemon has come to us from San Francisco to bring Nashville a natural and beauty wellness shop that is not only visually stunning, but it's full of the best of the best in skincare, makeup and wellness products, and it comes with a very personal experience. The store is broken into sections based on your skin care needs, rather than an overwhelming walls or aisles sorted by brands, which leads you on a never-ending goose chase for that perfect face wash or lotion. The supplement and wellness wall is superb - I have Laura to thank for my addiction to the MoonJuice Blue Adaptogen Protein Powder. Best purchase ever! She's also been hosting the coolest events ever lately, from gut health to a full moon gathering. 

Address: 1900 Eastland Avenue, Suite 102, Nashville, TN

Consider the Wildflwrs - So the truth is, I have been admiring Emily's jewels from afar now thanks to Instagram. She describes her jewelry as simple but memorable, and that explains why I covet every single piece. She has a nice selection of rose gold stackable rings and minimalist studs that are perfect to mix and match. 

Address: 1807 9th Avenue North, Nashville, TN




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